THANK YOU for being a volunteer and spending your weekend to help ShelterBox! The training that you are helping to facilitate will ultimately help disaster survivors around the world. We couldn’t do it without you. A Detailed schedule is below: keep scrolling down.

The purpose of this weekend is to educate the participants about ShelterBox while at the same time giving them a simulated deployment experience. Everyone, including volunteers, is invited to observe and listen in on all sessions. And have fun! The training program is about education and fellowship - enjoy the experience!
Role Playing aka Rules of Engagement
The rules of role playing are very flexible - Make it happen and have fun!
It is Cascadia, a land of very little logic or organization.
Not being able to speak English is good. It’s A-OK in Cascadia.
Don’t go over the top but please get into your role.
The actors are in charge of their stations - there is no right or wrong.
Press Corp members - have your questions ready and a microphone in their face.
Cameramen - have those cameras rolling.
Learn to love the national anthem of Cascadia - respect t as it is your country.
SRT’s job is to get the job done and that is often done by dealing with a lot of bureaucracy.
Bureaucracy is very real in third world countries, to the extent that it cannot be overdone.
Please refrain from open displays of adult beverages and don’t overindulge.
The timeline is subject to change but please stick to it firmly.
You may play several different roles in quick succession. Be ready!
Interaction with Participants
Try to help the participants succeed ultimately.
SRTs will be following teams around during the scenarios. They are there to observe and clarify. Use them if you have any doubts.
Stay in character, be your role, there may be awards for best character
Have fun but keep it real.
While in role playing mode, anything a Cascadian citizen finds relevant is of interest (politics (not US), religion, rebels, sports, corrupt government officials, etc.)
You can touch participants in friendship but never in adversarial way. Use verbal Judo to move them around. Sometimes it gets a little heated.
Engage the participants in conversation and ask them why they are here in Cascadia.
Role Player Schedule
*Participants don’t have this in their handbooks*
Sunrise @ 0627
Sunset @ 1926
1300 @ Winery – Brief actors for Friday on overall play and rules
1400 - 1500 Assemble at Sno Road Winery
1500 – 1545 Participant Briefs
· Group intro teams – Assign to SRT’s
· Ice Breaker - Rules of the weekend
· Depart for Cascadia
1600 Convoy Arrival
1600 – 1615 Crossing into Cascadia
1630 – 1655 Immigration
1655 – 1730 Customs
1730 – 1830 Tent setup *need daylight
1830 – 1855 Team building exercise
1855 – 1915 Cluster meeting
1915 – 2030 Dinner
2030 - 2130 Brief for Deployment
2145 – 2200 Manage Down Time/ Lights out
0700 – 0800 Breakfast
0800 – 0830 Transportation + Money Exchange, Greeting and Overview of the day
0830 – 0845 OPS Call-in
0845 – 1000 ShelterBox Presentations (or individual presentations)
1000 – 1015 Break
1015 – 1130 Presentation (Anatomy of a deployment and respecting the donor dollar)
1015- 1200 Brief all Saturday actors
1130 – 1230 Working Lunch – ShelterBox Kit items and usage
1230 – 1730 Simulated Deployment
1730 – 1800 Individual Team debrief & Request for Aid
1800 – 1830 Group Teams Request for Aid Call HQ/OPS
1830 – 1900 Aid items are finite. Teams to decide together how to distribute to all three groups
1900 – UTC Rotary club of Cascadia Dinner and group celebration
0700 – 0800 Breakfast
0800 – 1000 Tear down and clean-up
1000 – 1130 Final Team oral presentations and awards ceremony, feedback, course wash-up
1130 – Personal planning and departure